Form for Failure If your scale fails and you are unable to find the cause FILL IN THE FOLLOWING FORM or call the number (+39) 0883.956107 failure Company name*Phone*your email* TROUBLESHOOTINGHave you respected the conditions of use of the scale (temperature, stability, humidity, etc.)?yesNoIn the search for possible causes of the failure, have you carefully consulted the "Technical Problems" page?yesNoFAILUREDescribe the problems your balance presents to you as accurately as possibleIndicate the reference of your balanceIndicate the date of purchaseEnter the scale serial numberit is under the scalePOWER SUPPLYDoes the scale turn on with the battery?yesNoDoes the scale turn on with the charger?yesNoHave you checked if the electrical outlet you use works?yesNoIs the charger well attached to the scale?yesNoIs the charger the original one of the scale?yesNoBASIC PROBLEMSThe scale shows zero (without weights, does the balance always remain at zero each time you turn it on)?yesnoThe weight detected is not accurate?yesnoDoes the printer, if any, work properly?yesnoIs the lift truck system working properly?yesno